St. Kitts and Nevis’ Curfew and Shelter-in-place Orders have been lifted
Office of the AG
St. Kitts and Nevis’ curfew and shelter-in-place orders have been lifted as of today, Saturday, August 29th, 2020, which saw The Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (No. 14) Regulations, 2020 come into operation as at 5:00am. The new regulations shall expire at midnight on Saturday, September 26th, 2020.
Both Curfew Schedule and Shelter in place therefore no longer appear as Regulations (and the terms of a curfew schedule are therefore no longer set out in Schedule I), so there are now five (v) Schedules appended to these new Regulations (No. 14) compared to six (vi) Schedules that were published in No. 13 of Saturday, August 8th, 2020.
On Saturday, August 8th, the curfew was reduced by two hours, changing from 12:00 midnight until 4:59am to 2:00am until 4:59am. Now, with the removal of the curfew, residents of St. Kitts and Nevis can move freely at any time of the day.
Social distancing and physical distancing protocols still apply, and establishments are expected to make the necessary arrangements to facilitate them (as laid out in Regulation/Section 5).
Section 9 states that all public educational places of instruction may reopen as long as they
comply with the minimum standards set out in Schedule 2.
Sub-regulation 5 of Section 9 states that all religious places of instruction or worship may reopen “in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and any other conditions or directives given by the National COVID-19 Taskforce.
”The sub-regulation also adds that the following persons should be encouraged to connect to virtual church services from home or may attend a separate early morning service designated for that purpose:
(a) senior persons, persons in the pre-retirement age range or persons over 65 years old;
(b) persons with underlying health conditions;
(c) individuals with disabilities; and
(d) those who might not be able to wear a mask for the duration of the service.
The Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (No. 14) Regulations can be accessed in full on, and