December 24, 2020 | High Court, Justice and Legal, News
Brand New Annex to the Basseterre Court Facilities Completed Attorney General gives update during 2021 Budget Debate The long anticipated completion of an annex to the Sir Lee L. Moore Judicial Complex at Independence Square in Basseterre was announced by Attorney...
December 21, 2020 | Electoral Office, News, Office of the AG
From the Supervisor of Elections Vol II Issue No 5: Claims and Objections; A Gender Perspective In my 4th article, I reported on activities at the Electoral Office for April to September, and referred to the 115 claims that were made during the period. In fact, for...
December 16, 2020 | Electoral Office, News, Office of the AG
From the Supervisor of Elections Vol II Issue No 4: Performance Reports This article presents a report on the activities of the Electoral office for April to September 2020. It helps when reading it to remember the role of the electoral office as it relates to...
December 14, 2020 | Electoral Office, News, Office of the AG
From the Supervisor of Elections Vol II Issue No 3: Lists In the years between elections, the electoral office produces 26 lists, but in an election year it produces 28. This year, the electoral office is on track, we have produced and published 24 lists; four more...
December 09, 2020 | Electoral Office, News, Office of the AG
From the Supervisor of Elections Vol II Issue No 2: Votes from the great beyond? In the USA, the losing side has claimed that persons who were long deceased cast votes in the November 3rd election. It is something we have heard before. I cannot comment on the US...