Electoral Office Routinely Publishes Monthly and Revised Monthly Lists For Public Viewing
Office of the AG
Electoral Office
The publication of Monthly Lists and Revised Monthly Lists of registration of voters is an important aspect of the services rendered by the Electoral Office on an ongoing basis. They serve to provide reasonable opportunity for adequate scrutiny of the voter registration process ensuring that it meets the standard of openness and transparency.
Monthly List
The Monthly List represents the record of persons who have submitted applications as first time registrants during any particular month of the year in accordance with their respective requirements as follows:
- To have their names registered upon attaining the age of eighteen years; or
- To have their names registered upon otherwise being or becoming entitled to be registered
It is the wish of those persons whose names appear on the Monthly List to have their names included in the register of voters in the various constituencies within the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.
The publication of the Monthly List provides an opportunity for any interested person(s) within the various communities to scrutinize the names that appear, with a view to ascertaining the truthfulness of the applications. This is in order to ensure that all relevant details regarding the particulars of such applications may be verified by interested persons and by the respective Registration Officers. This is one of the measures designed to ensure due diligence in the registration process and promote transparency.
Any registered person within the respective constituencies may file an ‘objection’ to a registration with which s/he has an issue regarding its propriety or accuracy. The ‘objection’ is effectively an enquiry into the propriety or accuracy of the application that was made. The Registration Officers for the respective constituencies will then schedule ‘objection hearings’ to entertain evidence to determine the result of the enquiry.
Revised Monthly List
Based on the outcomes of the objection hearings (where it is a case that objections are successful) or where there are no objections, the Revised Monthly List for the relevant month will then be published two months following the time of publication of each respective Monthly List. This Revised Monthly List represents the names of persons that will be added to (and included in) the register of voters that would be used in any election or referendum.
Monthly Lists can be seen HERE