Ms. Jihan Williams
Registrar Intellectual Property Office
Intellectual Property Office
Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs
Who We Are
The Intellectual Property Office of St. Kitts and Nevis is a Department within the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs which is responsible for dealing with the registration of intellectual property rights within the jurisdiction of St. Kitts and Nevis.
The office operations of the Intellectual Property Office of St. Kitts and Nevis are led by a Registrar and there is currently an Assistant Registrar and Legal Counsel. There is also a Systems Administrator and two administrative clerks.
The operations and activities of the Intellectual Property Office and all related matters involve giving effect to the provisions of the following legislation:
- Patents Act (Cap 18.25),
- Copyright Act (Cap 18.08),
- Marks, Collective Marks and Trade Names Act (Cap 18.22),
- Geographical Indications Act (Cap 18.39),
- Copyright (Specified Countries) Order, No. 6 of 2018
Mission Statement
To promote national prosperity by encouraging the creation and protection of intellectual property through public education and the continuous development and administration of a strong, user-friendly, efficient and dynamic IP protection framework.
What We Do
The responsibilities of the IPOSKN include:
- Administering all laws relating to intellectual property
- Processing applications for, administering and granting intellectual property rights, where applicable
- Carrying out studies, programmes and activities regarding intellectual property
- Promoting creativity and inventiveness among citizens and residents of St. Kitts and Nevis
- Raising public awareness on intellectual property rights and issues
- Collaborating with national, regional and international bodies, agencies or institutions, whether public or private, to promote the advancement of people through science, culture, commerce or any art insofar as intellectual property is concerned.
How We Are Financed
The operations of the Intellectual Property Office are financed by budgetary allocations through the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs as outlined in the Annual Estimates and Budget of the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis.
How We Serve the Public
We respond to applications regarding:
- registration of trademarks
- registration of patents
We provide education and information on all forms of intellectual property rights including:
- copyright,
- geographical indications,
- trade secrets,
- plant varieties, and
- designs
A Basic Guide For A Mark Application
Amended Guide to TM Registration
WEBSITE: www.ipo.gov.kn
EMAIL: ipo@gov.kn
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPOSKN